Jessica Perry

Jessica Perry is a resourceful and inventive artist whose personal narrative combines humour and idiosyncratic detail in closely-worked miniature drawings.

Over the years, Jessica has led a wide range of hands-on art projects in outdoor settings and in the classroom, working with groups of all ages and abilities, combining her broad knowledge of traditional processes with recycled and natural materials. This has included collaborations with other artists on art in the landscape, namely working along the Norfolk coast, using simple raw materials such as soot, chalk and sand to create powerful visual images that address coastal erosion and climate change.
Large-scale public commissions include wire-art assemblage pictures in the permanent collection at the N & N hospital in Norwich, and as East Anglia's leading instructor in earth oven building, she has hand-built many sculptural clay ovens as large, functional features in gardens and community spaces.
Jessica trained at Norwich School of Art (B.A. Fine Art, Painting, 1985), and subsequently worked across East Anglia and London, exhibiting paintings and sculpture in group and solo shows.
Initially specialising in painting rare breeds of pigs and poultry, exploring rural locations and techniques, she expanded this theme into decorative screens, plaster and bronze sculptures, commercial illustration and private commissions.
Broader themes followed to include figure drawing, alongside project-managing a varied programme of life-drawing classes and artist-in-residence placements in city farms, galleries and schools.
Balancing her long career alongside raising a family in rural Norfolk, Jessica’s work continues to develop, connecting a sharp eye for detail and humour with a range of practical techniques.